REVEALED! KCPE Results Ready Amid Rumours of Well-performed English and Kiswahili papers; Awarding Details Per Subject
KCPE Results are ready amid rumours of well-performed English and Kiswahili papers; The awarding details per subject.
The Kenya Certificate of Primary Education 2021 (KCPE results) are ready.
The marking of the exams ended on Tuesday.
According to sources, the standardization for mathematics is 0.85 while that for science is 0.84.
So, if a candidate scores 40 ticks in mathematics this means the maximum of 40 ticks will be 40 multiplied by 2 multiplied by 0.85 to get 68% and if he or she scores 50 ticks it becomes 85%.
According to sources (examiners), the standardization for Mathematics is 85% Science 84% Social studies and Religion 86% English 97% while Kiswahili 97%.
They said English and Kiswahili were well performed with most learners scoring good marks.
According to the markers, this year’s KCPE results will be better than the previous year.
However, these are speculations and we are still waiting for official announcements of the KCPE results.
This year the KNEC registered 1,225,507 candidates in 28,316 KCPE examination centres as compared to 1,191,752 candidates in 28,467 centres in 2020.
This reflects an increase of 33,755 representing 2.75 percent.
KCPE exam centres were served from 491 distribution centres.
The marking of multiple-choice questions were made easier by the acquisition of the modern Optical Mark Recognition which electronically scores the papers.
The OMR captures marked data from candidates’ answer sheets using specialized scanning.
The machines work with a dedicated scanning device that shines a beam of light on the paper.
The contrasting reflection at predetermined positions on a page is used to detect marked areas as they reflect less light than the blank areas of the paper.
With the new machines, scripts are marked in batches of 100 and 200 sheets, unlike the previous technology, which took hours.
The OMR machines are also used to speed up the tallying of Kiswahili Insha and English Composition marks, which were previously done manually by examiners. The two papers are still marked manually.
However, tallying of marks is no longer done through physical counts.
After marking the Insha and Composition scripts, the examiners will pass over the papers to the new machine, which will do the electronic tallying of marks in record time.
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