TSC slots per County and Subject in the 2022–2023 recruitment

TSC slots per County and Subject in the 2022–2023 recruitment set to begin in January 2023
TSC slots per County and Subject in the 2022–2023 recruitment set to begin in January 2023.
Kitui county will receive the majority of the 35,550 new teachers that the Teachers Service Commission-TSC, plans to hire.
The County will hire a total of 1,475 additional teachers. With the remaining interns, 434 will be hired on a permanent basis with pension benefits.
Kakamega County will receive 1,449 additional teachers, while Makueni will receive 1,056 tutors, following Nakuru (1,223), Bungoma (1,208), and Meru (1,120).
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Other counties with severe teacher shortages include Kisii (995), Homa Bay (975), and Narok, which will receive 1,050 additional teachers in January (912).
A total of 119 additional teachers will be hired in Isiolo, 131 in Lamu, 175 in Samburu, 191 in Marsabit, 192 in Mombasa and Tana River counties, 238 in Wajir, and 274 in Taita Taveta.
During the recruitment process, teachers with a mix of Kiswahili and CRE, English, history and CRE, Kiswahili and history, business studies, math and physics, math and chemistry, and math and biology will be in high demand.
“Successful candidates will be posted to serve in any primary or junior secondary school in the county where they were interviewed or in any part of the county where the vacancy exists,” said TSC.
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