July 2, 2024

Kalonzo ally slams Raila over Azimio rallies 

3 min read
Kalonzo ally slams Raila over Azimio rallies

Kalonzo ally, Mavoko MP Patrick Makau slams Raila Odinga over Azimio rallies calling on him to issue a clarification

Kalonzo ally, Mavoko MP Patrick Makau slams Raila Odinga over Azimio rallies calling on him to issue a clarification.

Mavoko Member of Parliament (MP) Patrick Makau is now calling on Raila Odinga, the head of Azimio la Umoja-One Kenya, to clarify the purpose of the coalition’s political rallies.

The MP, who was elected on a Wiper Party ticket, declared that he was prepared to cooperate with the Kenya Kwanza administration in order to guarantee service delivery to his constituents.

Speaking to the general public at Athi-river on February 8, Makau, a close associate of Wiper Leader Kalonzo Musyoka, attacked Raila’s calls for widespread protests and said that difficult economic conditions do not warrant vehement picketing.

“I am a Wiper MP and I am in Azimio. I respect Azimio coalition leaders but we must negotiate the interest of the people who elected us.

“Tough economic times are being experienced beyond our borders. It is the right of every Kenyan to picket to put the government in check but I do not support mass action even before giving our government time. It is not right,” Makau said.

Kalonzo ally instead now wants his Ukambani counterparts to consider negotiating with President William Ruto on the development of the region lauding the ODM legislators’ visit to State House on Tuesday.

“I want my fellow leaders in Machakos and lower Eastern at large, it is important that we join hands and seek to increase the share of the national cake and development in our region.

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“We have seen a section of our ODM counterparts visit State House and this is because development is the key thing we all want,” Makau stated.

He added that he would only join the protests if he came into an agreement with what Kalonzo would tell him.

Makau noted that he had the right to work within the government of President William Ruto in developing the nation.

“If we will be into an agreement we will join them to force the gov work as it should. However, as a leader elected by Mavoko, I have the freedom to talk with the current government for the development of my people.

For the five years, I have as MP if I fail to work with the Kenya Kwanza government I will fail my people and it is wise to sit and come to a consensus with the government,” he added.

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