July 3, 2024

Man sentenced 20 years in jail for stealing Ksh780

2 min read
Man sentenced 20 years in jail for stealing Ksh780

A man who stole Sh780 has been jailed after being convicted of robbery with violence

A man who stole Sh780 has been jailed after being convicted of robbery with violence.

Makindu Magistrates Court on Thursday, July 6, sentenced a man who stole Ksh780, clothes, and a pair of shoes to 20 years in prison.  

Senior Principal Magistrate Ireri found Boniface Maingi guilty of robbery with violence in an incident that happened on January 18, 2020, at Emali Township in Makueni County. 

“Boniface Maingi was found guilty of forcefully and violently robbing the complainant of a mobile phone, assorted clothes, a pair of shoes, and Ksh 780 at Emali township,” ODPP stated in a statement.

“The prosecution led by Catherine Ngari proved the case through testimonies from 4 witnesses.” 

According to the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP), Boniface Maingi was found guilty of “forcefully violently robbing the complainant of a mobile phone, assorted clothes, a pair of shoes and Sh780 on January 18 2020 at Emali township.”

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Prosecutor Ngari used police reports, eyewitnesses and circumstantial evidence to place Maingi at the scene of crime in Makueni County.

Ngari told the could that investigative officers managed to secure the scene of the crime and ensured the safety of the victim and any witnesses.

Section 296 (2) of the Kenyan Penal Code defines robbery with violence as an incident where the offender is armed with any dangerous or offensive weapon or instrument or is in company with one or more other person or persons, or if, at or immediately before or after the time of the robbery, he wounds, beats, or uses any other personal violence to any person, he shall be liable to imprisonment for life.

Notably, not all robberies that involve violence will be considered robbery with violence under Section 296 (2). Simply robbery is punishable by up to 14 years in prison.

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