June 29, 2024

US official Katherine Tais declines to meet CS Moses Kuria over foul mouth

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US official Katherine Tais declines to meet CS Moses Kuria over foul mouth

US Trade Representative Katherine Tai refuses to meet CS Moses Kuria to discuss ties between the two countries over foul mouth

US Trade Representative Katherine Tai refuses to meet CS Moses Kuria to discuss ties between the two countries over foul mouth.

The US Trade Representative Katherine Tai had been scheduled to meet Kuria on Monday, July 17, but canceled owing to Kuria’s supposed nasty and unpalatable Twitter posts aimed at individuals and entities. 

According to the Daily Nation publication was locked out of a meeting Tai was presiding over. 

According to the publication, Kuria was to attend a meeting of the US-East Africa Community Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) council in Nairobi on Tuesday, July 18 but was reportedly sidelined. 

Reports claim Ambassador Tai expressed her reservation labeling Kuria an ‘extremist’ over his unpalatable remarks.

The meeting however went on with East Africa Community and Arid and Semi-Arid Lands CS Rebbeca Miano cochairing with Ambassador Tai.

“The ambassador canceled her planned engagement with Kuria at his office. He was also on Tuesday blocked from the scheduled meeting with the US official but CS Miano proceeded with her meeting,” sources confided in Daily Nation. 

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Kuria was supposed to attend the Tifa council meeting alongside his East Africa Community and Arid and Semi-Arid Lands counterpart.

Kuria has lately been the topic of discussion following his shocking public pronouncements and unpleasant Twitter posts that many argue do not befit his status as a high-ranking state official. 

The isolation of CS Kuria comes at a time the US is on a charm offensive in Africa and views Kenya as the East Africa Community (EAC) entry hub. 

President Joe Biden’s administration is focused on expanding markets for US goods and services in sub-Saharan Africa and facilitating efforts to bolster Africa’s economic development through increased global, regional, and bilateral trade. 

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