July 3, 2024

Raila allies maintain onslaught on Meg Whitman calling for demonstrations against the US Amb

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Raila allies maintain onslaught on Meg Whitman calling for demonstrations against the US Amb

Raila allies call on Raila Odinga to call for demonstrations against US Ambassador Meg Whitman over her recent remarks

Raila allies call on Raila Odinga to call for demonstrations against US Ambassador Meg Whitman over her recent remarks.

On Sunday, August 20, Homa Bay Town MP Peter Kaluma asked Azimio la Umoja leader Raila Odinga to call for demonstrations against Meg Whitman, the US ambassador to Kenya.

The opposition leader had earlier charged the US ambassador with interfering in Kenya’s domestic affairs.

“Gachagua Must respect Chiefs! Baba should call Maandamano against US Ambassador to Kenya Meg Whitman,” Kaluma tweeted.

Raila had called Whitman a “rogue ambassador” and threatened to recall her back to Washington DC if she will not desist from “interfering” with Kenyans’ issues.

In addition, Former Defence Cabinet Secretary Eugene Wamalwa, former Murang’a Governor Mwangi wa Iria, and Roots party leader George Wajackoyah said Whitman’s remarks are a threat to the ongoing bipartisan talks.

The trio said the envoy should focus on representing America’s interests and avoid commenting on matters concerning the country’s internal processes.

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“It is very wrong for Whitman to make such comments praising the system at a time when reconciliatory talks are just beginning. This is a time we need the support of both sides,” Wamalwa said.

Wa Iria accused Whitman of celebrating problems Kenyans are undergoing as a result of the high cost of living.

He said the envoy lacks interest in the well-being of Kenyans.

“She is aware that over 90 percent of Kenyans are unhappy with the Finance Act 2023. But it is unfortunate that she says Kenyans are happy with the Act. We don’t need America to tell the World how happy we are,” Wa Iria said.

In his sentiments, Wajackoyah accused Whitman of interfering with Kenyan internal affairs saying she had violated a treaty that forbids her from interfering with Kenyan affairs.

Wajackoyah said those cheering Whitman’s remarks should be reminded that it is a clear sign that the country is going to be under the hegemony of America.

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