July 3, 2024

MCAs spend a whooping Ksh.3 billion in travel within THREE months; CoB report

3 min read
MCAs spend a whooping Ksh.3 billion in travel within THREE months; CoB report

Controller of Budget (CoB) exposes how members of the county assemblies (MCAs) spent Ksh.3 billion on travel within a period of three months.

Controller of Budget (CoB) exposes how members of the county assemblies (MCAs) spent Ksh.3 billion on travel within a period of three months.

The controller of the budget report has exposed members of the county assemblies and their extravagance on foreign and domestic travel. 

The first-quarter report for the 2023–2024 fiscal year showed that, in only three months, MCAs devoured billions of shillings in travel allowances. 

During the specified timeframe, MCAs had traveled abroad and spent over Ksh.3 billion on flights.

Dr. Margaret Nyakango, the budget controller, has now raised the alarm and called for an end to what she has described as needless domestic and international travel.

According to the report, MCAs in Nairobi, the country’s capital, have the greatest thirst for local travel, having spent Ksh. 94 million in just three months, or Ksh. 31 million per month.

In just three months, the Nairobi County MCAs had also spent Ksh.8.9 million on foreign travel, despite the controller of budget pointing up that the overseas travels were never approved.

MCAs in Migori County are also an extravagant lot according to the report. 

In three months the lawmakers spent Ksh.81 million on local travel while another Ksh.2.7 million was spent in Tanzania, Uganda, and Norway.

The Mombasa County MCAs spend more on foreign trips than on local travel. 

The MCAs pocketed Ksh.17 million for their stay in high-end destinations like Singapore, Turkey, Dubai, and Switzerland.

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Narok County MCAs according to the CoB report used Ksh.45.5 million for local travel within three months alone. 

Marsabit County MCAs also did not travel abroad during the same period but spent millions on local travel.

In Nyamira County Assembly, MCAs spent a total of Ksh.32 million on travel while Nakuru County MCAs other than a Ksh.40.9 million perk on local travel, also gobbled Ksh.9.7 million in Arusha Tanzania, Kampala Uganda, and Indiana United States of America.

“What we know is all foreign travels are cleared by the devolution ministry and department…no MCA can travel without a clearance from that office,” said Nyamira Speaker.

The controller of the budget (CoB) now wants all county assemblies to first seek foreign travel clearance before embarking on the trips to save taxpayers billions of shillings.

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