July 7, 2024

Shock as residents refuse to bury a woman who didn’t contribute in funerals when she was alive

2 min read
Shock as residents refuse to bury a woman who didn't contribute in funerals when she was alive

Kisii residents refuse to bury a woman who shunned away from local activities when she was alive

Kisii residents refuse to bury a woman who shunned away from local activities when she was alive

A funeral ritual for a 33-year-old woman In Mokongonyoni village, Nyakoe ward, became a show as the locals caused a commotion surrounding the farewell.

The locals contended that during her life, Linet Kerubo had exhibited an uncommon silence during community events. 

The residents, therefore, refrained from assisting with burial arrangements, contending that her reluctance during local events rendered her ineligible for communal support, despite being over 18 years old. 

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Interestingly, the deceased’s mother, in stark contrast, was notably active when it came to matters related to death. 

The bizarre situation prompted the Nyamataro PAG church to step in, covering the mortuary bills and ensuring the long-delayed burial took place after three weeks. 

However, their efforts to take up the burial programme from the church became futile. 

“This is strange. After these same residents saw that the church had taken the matter up, they wanted to take up the burial programme, but the church said no. They had abandoned this family when it needed them the most,” Rogers Gichana, a Kisii-based journalist, said. 

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