July 3, 2024

Senior public officials within Ruto UDA behind supply of fake fertiliser; Insider

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Senior public officials within Ruto UDA behind supply of fake fertiliser; Insider

Former MP, Kimani Ngunjiri now claims public officials within UDA party are behind supply of fake fertiliser

Former MP, Kimani Ngunjiri now claims public officials within UDA party are behind supply of fake fertiliser

Days after declaring his departure from the United Democratic Alliance (UDA), former member of parliament for Bahati Kimani Ngunjiri has continued exposing corruption within the ruling party.

Speaking to the media in Nakuru on Sunday, the former MP asserted that several prominent officials within the party were were responsible for the supply of fake fertiliser.

He further claimed that some of the leaders in UDA were responsible for grabbing parcels across the country including in Nakuru where he hails from.

“When you come to Nakuru County, there is a problem. You know the mess that has been done here. The party (UDA) now belongs to individuals and you know that. The issue has brought forth many problems and because of that, I want to step aside,” he stated.

“If we remain with one party, UDA, you know the ground will be very hostile. The fake fertiliser being distributed, the people doing that are from here. The people grabbing land all over are from the same system.”

During the press briefing, Ngunjiri also hinted that he intended to join another party within Kenya Kwanza Coalition.

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He argued that UDA was already troubled after being hijacked by individuals and he needed to join an outfit with fewer complications.

“Our Government has almost 18 parties which came together to form a coalition. I saw that I should leave the UDA party to those it belongs to,” he stated.

“I will look for one party within the rest of the other 17 parties which has no dispute with another here in Nakuru because I want peace.”

His claims comes after the former MP on Wednesday last week publicly declared that he was no longer a member of UDA arguing that the party had shortchanged its loyal members.

“I want to say in this media and everybody in Kenya to hear me, I am not in UDA. I will never wear yellow,” the former MP noted.

“Somebody like me, they were giving people positions, where am I? I was almost dying fighting for UDA.”

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