July 8, 2024

General Francis Ogolla’s casket cost Sh 6,800

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General Francis Ogolla's casket cost Sh 6,800

The son of the late General Francis Ogolla has revealed the casket bearing his body was procured cheaply

The son of the late General Francis Ogolla has revealed the casket bearing his body was procured cheaply.

Joel Rabuku Omondi while addressing mourners at the Ulinzi Sports Complex on Saturday, April 20, said the casket cost Sh 6,800.

This, according to Rabuku, was per Ogolla’s wish to be buried without a coffin.

He implied that the simple coffin was for purposes of the Military Honour Ceremony, after which it would be disposed of.

In his will, Ogolla specified that his remains be buried wrapped in sheets at the expense of a coffin.

“Your Excellency (President William Ruto), yesterday I gave you a slight brief on what Mzee would have wanted. Mzee is lying over here; the casket is very simple, rough wood. I’m told it cost only Sh 6,800. He didn’t want complexities that would include an expensive coffin. His essence and spirit are no longer with us; it is now finished,” said Rabuku.

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Ogolla will be laid to rest at his native home in Alego Usonga, Siaya County.

Another of his wishes was that he be laid to rest within 72 hours after his death.

Ogolla perished in a tragic KDF chopper crash alongside nine others.

The CDF and his entourage were in the bandit-stricken north rift region on a working tour.

He is survived by his wife Aileen Ogolla, and his two children, Lorna Ogolla and Joel.

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