July 3, 2024

Angry protestors storm MP’s offices after voting YES for the contentious Finance Bill 2024

2 min read
Angry protestors storm MP's offices after voting YES for the contentious Finance Bill 2024

Bondo residents (protestors) in Siaya County stormed CDF offices protesting their MP's decision, Gideon Ochanda to vote in favour of the Finance Bill

Bondo residents (protestors) in Siaya County stormed CDF offices protesting their MP’s decision, Gideon Ochanda to vote in favour of the Finance Bill.

The protestors were On Friday, June 21, captured holding a brown coffin engraved with the legislator’s name before matching to the  MP’s offices to deliver their message.

While expressing their fury, the residents demanded the immediate resignation of the lawmaker from his current position, terming him a traitor.

The protestors also held huge placards with the legislator’s name written on them as they projected their disappointment with Ochanda’s controversial decision.

According to the angry residents, Ochanda’s decision to vote in favour of the contentious bill did not represent their wish as the electorates.

Despite police efforts to bar their entry into the offices, the adamant protestors resorted to standing outside the premises as they held high the coffin, signifying their intention to oust him.

Elsewhere, Youth in Kwale County on Friday morning staged demonstrations along the pathway leading to Msambweni member of parliament Feisal Badir Abdalla’s office.

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During the demonstrations, the protestors accused the lawmaker of betraying them by reportedly voting ‘yes’ to the bill.

While carrying twigs and placards, the demonstrators attempted to invade the MP’s offices but were quickly chased away by police officers who were on high alert.

The latest developments come against the backdrop of the legislators’ approval of the Finance Bill despite mass demonstrations across the country.

On Thursday evening, members of the National Assembly sailed the bill through to the second reading after a majority of the legislators voted in favour of the proposed law.

A total of 204 MPs voted in favour of the Bill, 115 voted against it, with zero abstentions.

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