July 3, 2024

Mudavadi’s director of press service Salim Swaleh arrested alongside other government officials

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Mudavadi’s director of press service Salim Swaleh arrested alongside other government officials

Salim Swaleh among other government officials arrested during a crackdown in Mudavadi's office

Salim Swaleh among other government officials arrested during a crackdown in Mudavadi’s office.

The Office of the Prime Cabinet Secretary and Ministry of Foreign and Diaspora Affairs (PCS-MFDA) confirmed the arrest of several high-ranking officials within the ministry following a crackdown on Saturday.

According to a press statement released by the ministry on Sunday, Salim Swaleh, who serves as the Director of the Press service at the Office of the Prime Cabinet Secretary (OPCS) was arrested for alleged involvement in corruption activities.

“Those arrested include Salim Swaleh, Director of OPCS Press Service, in whose office the swindlers were found nested with fake door switch-nametags,” read the statement in part.

Further, the ministry revealed that the arrested officials and their accomplices rented their offices as spaces for unscrupulous business people to conduct illegal dealings. 

According to Mudavadi’s office, the officials had become adept to the illegal trade which included having the officials switch out nametags on doors to further deceive unsuspecting victims. 

The ministry further detailed that the arrests followed a tipoff that alerted OPCS-MFDA security, who then mounted intense surveillance at the OPCS-MFDA Railways Office to disrupt the reported acts of impersonation and misuse of the facility by the fraudsters.

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To arrest the individuals, the security team tracked a group masquerading as visitors to gain entrance into the Railways Building where Mudavadi’s office is located.

The group would then falsify their identities (as VIP guests or government officers), and the officers they purported to be visiting on different dates and times. 

Victims of the scam have been identified as main foreigners who would be shepherded into the Railways Building ostensibly to meet high-ranking Government officers for favours in exchange for bribes.

Mudavadi’s office has also reported that upon the arrest of the officials, they attempted to bribe their way out.

“Upon being smoked out in one of the OPCS-MFDA Railway offices where the confidence tricksters had settled in wait for their victims on Saturday, the group had the audacity of attempting to bribe their way out,” read the statement. 

The OPCS_MFDA has also requested for information that would oust any corruption-related activities within the ministry.

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