July 2, 2024

Northeastern leaders defend NIS boss Haji as the demand on DP Gachagua to resign

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Northeastern leaders defend NIS boss Haji as the demand on DP Gachagua to resign

North Eastern leaders accuse DP Gachagua of divisive politics after criticizing NIS boss Haji as they called on the deputy president to resign

North Eastern leaders accuse DP Gachagua of divisive politics after criticizing NIS boss Haji as they called on the deputy president to resign.

A section of leaders from the Northeastern region have come in defence of the National Intelligence Service (NIS) Noordin Haji following recent attacks by Deputy President Righathi Gachagua.

Addressing the press in Nairobi, the leaders expressed their dissatisfaction with the remarks noting leveling accusations against him in the press is not only reckless but also unfortunate.

According to the leaders, Gachagua has an opportunity to raise the matter in the security committee which he is part of instead of making the matter public.

“The DP’s actions in discussing sensitive civil servants such as the Director General of the NIS in the press instead of taking his concerns to the National Security Committee in which both of them sit, are reckless and unfortunate,” a statement issued after a meeting reads.

The utterances by the DP, they noted, demean and undermine the sanctity and honour of the presidency and the government he serves.

This, even, as they demanded that he resign or face an impeachment motion.

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“Following his attacks on Haji and open sabotage of President William Ruto, it is untenable for him to continue serving as Deputy President,” the statement further reads.

The leaders also commended President Ruto for agreeing to drop the Finance Bill, 2024 in its entirety.

They argued that this decision was informed by the advice of Haji.

“We believe NIS provided critical information on criminal elements that infiltrated the legitimate and peaceful protesters, which resulted in loss of life, looting of businesses and destruction of property,” he said.

While addressing the press in Mombasa Wednesday, Gachagua laid an accusing at Haji for allegedly failing to act on his mandate.

“We have a dysfunctional National Intelligence Service that has exposed the President, the government and the people of Kenya,” he said.

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