July 3, 2024

I would still vote YES for the Finance Bill if it came back to Parliament – MP Osoro

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I would still vote YES for the Finance Bill if it came back to Parliament - MP Osoro

South Mugirango MP Silvanus Osoro says he would still vote for the Finance Bill 2024 if it was brought to parliament

South Mugirango MP Silvanus Osoro says he would still vote for the Finance Bill 2024 if it was brought to parliament. 

In a statement via Facebook on Thursday, June 27, the Legislator affirmed that voting a no for him was not an option despite the insults and nationwide protests against the Finance Bill.

“Those waiting for an apology from me will have to wait longer. I would still vote yes if the Bill came today to parliament,” Osoro affirmed. 

This comes days after President William Ruto declined to sign the Finance Bill 2024 and sent it back to parliament with reservations recommending the deletion of all clauses. 

“Having reflected on the continuing conversation around the content of the Finance Bill 2024, and listening keenly to the people of Kenya, who have said loudly they don’t want anything to do with this Finance Bill 2024.

“I concede and therefore I will not sign the 2024 Finance Bill and it shall subsequently be withdrawn and I have agreed with these members that this becomes our collective position,” said Ruto.

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The President recommended a multisectoral, bipartisan, and multistakeholder engagement to address the future of Kenya on matters in the Finance Bill 2024 that Kenyans have raised.

Further Ruto directed immediate austerity measures to reduce expenditure in the executive arm of government.

“I am directing for immediate further austerity measures to reduce the expenditure starting with the office of the President, the entire presidency and extending to the entire executive arm of government,” said Ruto.

The Head of State succumbed to pressure from Kenyans after nationwide protests against the Finance Bill 2024. 

The protests were being led by Gen Z and millennials who demanded that the Bill be rejected in its entirety after Legislators voted to pass the Bill in parliament. 

The protests turned violent with at least ten people being killed countrywide and over 300 people sustaining injuries. 

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