July 2, 2024

CS Murkomen over reports of sponsoring influencers to stop the protests

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CS Murkomen over reports of sponsoring influencers to stop the protests

Transport Cabinet Secretary (CS) Kipchumba Murkomen has dismissed social media reports that he sponsored social media influencers to stop the anti-government protests

Transport Cabinet Secretary (CS) Kipchumba Murkomen has dismissed social media reports that he sponsored social media influencers to stop the anti-government protests.

In a statement on Friday, June 28, Murkomen flagged a screenshot purporting to be him having a conversation with an X influencer.

The Transport CS warned Kenyans not to fall for social media reports which he termed as propaganda against him.

“Good people, ignore this propaganda,” CS Murkomen stated.

According to the flagged screenshot, the Transport CS offered an influencer sh 500,000 to mobilize youths and influencers to stop the ongoing protests against the President William Ruto-led administration.

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“I see you have a significant following. I would like us to work together for the betterment of our country. I have 500K and would like you to mobilize some youths and influencers to stop the protests Please do this for the sake of their lives,” the flagged post read in part.

The alleged influencer according to the screenshot turned down CS Murkomen’s offer and demanded Sh 1 million instead.

“I wish to do this for the sake of my country and a better future. How about you make it 1M,” the fake post added.

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