July 8, 2024

Boyfriend slits lover’s throat in Machakos, leaves betrayal note

2 min read

Boyfriend, 22 is suspected to have killed his 21-year-old girlfriend by slitting her through throat using a kitchen knife at Kathiani subcounty in Machakos.

After the incident, the suspect went into hiding leaving a betrayal note at the murder scene.

The incident is believed to have happened several days ago as neighbours only knew it after a foul smell started emanating from the house. 

Police were called in and recovered the murder weapon from the scene of crime.

Police believe the suspect might have murdered his girlfriend over a love triangle.

“The man slit his girlfriend’s throat and stabbed her to death. The deceased’s body had deep stab wounds on the chest and face,” a police told a local news daily.

Police recovered a note believed to have been written by the boyfriend before he fled the scene. It was found left on the body.

In the note, the suspect was blaming the victim of betraying him.

“She caused everything with Alex from Kiteini, she betrayed me. I couldn’t withstand it, she broke our covenant,” the note read in part.

“We had agreed that nobody should betray any other and if it ever happens, then he/she dies or both die.

“Everyone will curse me but I am absolutely right, bye. Sorry to everyone, blame Alex, he knew everything about us,” the note reads in part.

The Detectives from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations in Machakos County have launched manhunt on the suspect.

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