July 8, 2024

Presidential candidates to be provided with at least 10 bodyguards

2 min read

Presidential candidates to be provided with at least 10 bodyguards after IEBC clearance for the August elections.

Every presidential candidate cleared to contest in the August elections will be provided with at least ten armed bodyguards by the government.

Presidential candidates and their running mates must be given round-the-clock security, with police assigned to protect them, their offices, and their houses from the date of clearance by IEBC to the conclusion of the General Election as provided by the law.

In their political campaigns, the candidates will be accompanied by five police officers.

The other remaining five officers will be providing security in rural and city homes in shifts.

The Inspector-General of police Hilary Mutyambai has set aside over 200 officers drawn from the General Service Unit, Kenya Police, Administration Police, and Prisons Service to guard presidential candidates.

During the election, presidential candidate security is crucial, and breaching it could have a negative impact on election timetables.

For example, if any of the candidates or their running mates dies before the election, the election on August 9 will be canceled and a new date chosen, according to Article 138(8b) of the 2010 Constitution.

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