July 7, 2024

Raila’s key issues during IEBC meeting; questions why 10 of the 47 county election managers are from one tribe

2 min read

Raila’s key issues in a meeting with the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC)

Azimio la Umoja leader Raila Odinga and his running mate Martha Karua on Wednesday, 29, June met with IEBC to examine issues raised regarding the elections.

Deputy President William Ruto was represented by Veronica Maina, the UDA’s secretary-general, and Josphat Nanok, the governor of Turkana. 

Ruto did, however, later show up in person to the meeting at the Windsor hotel.

Additionally present were David Waihiga of Agano and George Wajackoyah of the Roots Party.

IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati had called for the meeting to address issues that had been raised by the candidates.

Raila’s key issues during the IEBC meeting

Raila Odinga has raised several issues with the IEBC that he wants to be addressed before the August 9 polls.

Raila wanted to know why IEBC was reluctant to use of manual voter register. 

To this, the IEBC said they will not provide hard copy voter registers to polling stations insisting on using the electronic system. 

Raila also wanted the list of all polling stations, ballot papers design and printing location and the number of Kiems kits to be used, and their serial numbers.

Certified copy of the voters’ register, a description of how SD cards will be loaded on the Kiems kits, Geo-fencing, and where the commission has set up its command centre.

The Azimio team also sought to know which factory will print ballot papers.

Additionally, Raila Odinga questioned why ten of the 47 county election managers are from one tribe.

IEBC said it will respond to all the technical issues raised by all the presidential candidates next week.

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