July 3, 2024

Arresting Uhuru and Raila is courting disaster, Former Defense CS warns

2 min read
Arresting Uhuru and Raila is courting disaster, Former Defense CS warns

Former Defense CS warns UDA allied MPs who are calling for the arrest of retired President Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga

Former Defense CS warns UDA allied MPs who are calling for the arrest of retired President Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga.

As tensions continue to rise in Kenya, questions have emerged about the possibility of President William Ruto arresting former President Uhuru Kenyatta and opposition leader Raila Odinga. 

Lawmakers allied to the Kenya Kwanza party recently called on the Inspector General of Police, Japhet Koome, to go after the two leaders for allegedly financing the protests that caused damages during the recent demonstrations.

However, Wamalwa said any attempts to have the two arrested will be disastrous for the country.

The former defence CS in Uhuru’s government insisted that the Kenya Kwanza leaders should instead focus on bringing down the cost of living.

“With juvenile KK advisors advocating for the arrest of the 4th President (Uhuru Kenyatta) and 2nd PM (Raila Odinga) of the Republic of Kenya and invasion of their property instead of lowering food prices, to that extent, we are courting disaster! The hyena told the stone, even if you keep quiet, l know you have heard me,” the former CS said on Wednesday.

Wamalwa made his comments after the UDA leaders on Tuesday

 demanded that Raila and his allies be arrested.

Speaking during a press briefing at parliament buildings, the United Democratic Alliance MPs called on authorities to hold Raila Odinga and other Azimio leaders accountable for damages caused during their demonstrations on Monday.

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“We want them to be charged for every stone thrown, property destroyed and looted and lives lost, no matter who they are,” they said in a statement read by UDA’s Chairperson Cecily Mbarire. 

They also accused Uhuru of sponsoring the demonstrations, adding that he should be held accountable for the damages as well. 

“If he is above the law, there’s no further purpose to ask anyone to follow the law,” she said. 

“The police officers stayed calm during the demos despite being provoked by the goons, they maintained peace and order… We salute you for rising to the occasion.”

Raila had earlier said they intended to conduct a peaceful demonstration in Nairobi and to hand a petition with demands to President William Ruto.

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