July 2, 2024

Azimio seeks Biden’s help to recall Whitman accusing of her becoming ‘UDA spokesperson’

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Azimio seeks Biden's help to recall Whitman accusing of her becoming UDA spokesperson

Azimio intends to meet Senator Chris Coon to communicate their dissatisfaction with US Ambassador Meg Whitman

Azimio intends to meet Senator Chris Coon to communicate their dissatisfaction with US Ambassador Meg Whitman.

Azimio leaders have enlisted Delaware Senator Chris Coon’s assistance in their dramatic move to expel US Ambassador Meg Whitman due to her comments regarding the 2022 presidential race.

On Friday, August 18, former Defence Cabinet Secretary Eugene Wamalwa said the opposition planned to meet with Delaware Senator Chris Coons to communicate their dissatisfaction with Whitman’s conduct. 

The DAP-Kenya party leader further stated that the opposition wants to request Senator Coons to convey this sentiment to US President Joe Biden.

Azimio is banking on using Coon’s close ties with Raila to have their concerns addressed.

Notably, Coons is also a member of Biden’s Democratic party. Both Biden and Coons have served as the Senator for Delaware.

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Wamalwa reiterated that all diplomats should be neutral, maintaining that Ambassador Whitman has demonstrated unusual dalliance with the Kenya Kwanza regime.

“We know that the Senator is in Town and he is also Biden’s senator. If it was our wish, we would have sent him back with Meg but we are sending him with the message that we are not happy with the ambassador,” Wamalwa stated.

The former Defence CS maintained that the two main political formations in the country will handle their differences without any direction from foreign powers.

Wamalwa accused Meg Whitman of taking the role of a UDA spokesperson on political matters of the country.

“We want to discuss them as Kenyans and IEBC is one of the issues. She thinks that the elections were credible. That was in her eyes and that of UDA. But as Azimio, we see that they were not free and fair,” he added.

It is not yet clear whether Azimio and its leaders met Coons privately to express their concerns about Whitman.

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