July 3, 2024

Blow to Raila as police cancel Azimio’s Mt Kenya public rally

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Blow to Raila as police cancel Azimio's Mt Kenya public rally

Police cancel Azimio's Mt Kenya public rally in Murang’a which was to be presided over by opposition leader Raila Odinga

Police cancel Azimio’s Mt Kenya public rally in Murang’a which was to be presided over by opposition leader Raila Odinga.

The Azimio la Umoja Coalition town hall meeting that was scheduled to take place in Murang’a County on April 20 has been canceled.

Azimio’s request to convene the meeting was denied by David Mathiu, the commander of the Murang’a police, who claimed that police were already deployed elsewhere and they needed more time to prepare.

According to Mathiu, a notice needs to have been submitted four days before, and Azimio presented it on Tuesday, two days before their planned meeting. 

As a result, the meeting will not be allowed to take place.

The town hall meeting was set to be attended by Azimio-allied leaders including Raila Odinga, Kalonzo Musyoka, Martha Karua, George Wajackoyah and Mwangi Wa Iria, and Jeremiah Kioni.

The former Murang’a governor was at Murang’a police station on Tuesday to submit the notice, saying the meeting will be purely an engagement forum between the leaders and the locals with the main agenda being seeking inclusion in the government.

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“We are coming to engage the people, those who have been asking why Murang’a has not participated in the national debate calling for a reduction in the cost of living, finally we are here,” he said.

The Usawa party leader also said they wanted to discuss DP Rigathi Gachagua’s shareholder remarks. 

“Gachagua said non-shareholders would only get leftovers. That is why we have organized a meeting for non-shareholders and I will lead the movement. Raila was elected by about 7 million people and another 7 million did not vote. All these people are non-shareholders and are the majority,” he added. 

The event would be Azimio’s inaugural town hall meeting in the Mt. Kenya region, days after holding another in Nairobi on April 13.

Trade unions, farmers’ associations, small businesses, civil society organizations, veterans, human rights activists, intellectuals, and faith-based organizations were among the parties invited to the meeting. 

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