July 3, 2024

Boat carrying church delegation capsizes in Lake Baringo

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Boat carrying church delegation capsizes in Lake Baringo

Rescue mission underway after overloaded boat carrying church members capsizes in Lake Baringo

Rescue mission underway after overloaded boat carrying church members capsizes in Lake Baringo

In Lake Baringo, Baringo County, rescue efforts have begun following the capsize of a boat on Sunday, April 21 in the afternoon. 

The boat was reportedly transporting churchgoers. It was unclear at the time this item was published whether any casualties had been reported.

For an unknown cause, the boat was sailing from Kampi Samaki to Kokwa Island.

The area Police Commander Julius Kirangu, confirmed the incident to journalists adding, “I am yet to ascertain if there were casualties because what I have now is scanty information”.

News agencies from the Rift Valley region first reported the initial reports, with locals hoping for a swift response to save everyone on board. 

Notably, the cause of the tragedy is still unknown, but locals claim that the boat encountered some difficulties before capsizing. 

This is one of the boat incidents that have been documented in the past several months, some of which have been fatal. The majority of these incidents have been documented in the Indian Ocean, at Lake Victoria, and at Lake Baringo.

Five individuals were confirmed killed in December 2023 following the capsize of a boat in Lake Victoria near Aneko Beach in Migori County.

When strong tides struck the lake, the boat lost control and capsized meters from the dock, killing the five people on board. 

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The Kenya Red Cross and the Kisumu County Government spearheaded the hunt for the other inhabitants. 

In October 2023, there was another incident that resulted in the deaths of five students from Arap Moi Primary School in Uasin Gishu.

The pupils who were scheduled to take the national exams took a trip to an Eldoret amusement park, where they boarded a boat on an artificial lake that eventually overturned.

Kenyans and visitors were previously cautioned by the Kenya Maritime Authority to exercise caution when near the seashore and other bodies of water.

It is recommended that people who use the water for transportation follow safety regulations.

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