July 3, 2024

Cabinet approves full use of technology to control traffic in Nairobi

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Cabinet approves full use of technology to control traffic in Nairobi

Ruto in a cabinet resolution approves removal of police officers from controlling traffic in Nairobi and instead deploy technology

Ruto in a cabinet resolution approves removal of police officers from controlling traffic in Nairobi and instead deploy technology.

According to a Cabinet dispatch, the meeting was convened to discuss several bills, policies, treaties, and agreements critical for the implementation of Ruto’s projects, as captured in the Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA). 

One of the issues that came up for discussion and consensus was the addressing of the traffic congestion in Nairobi that often results in snarl-ups. 

The Cabinet agreed there was a need to upgrade Nairobi’s traffic practices to international calibre. 

“To address traffic congestion in Nairobi and align with international best practices in city management, the Cabinet approved the implementation of the Nairobi Intelligent Transport System (ITS) Establishment and Junction Improvement Project,” read part of the despatch. 

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There has been a debate on whether the traffic in Nairobi needs to be fully automated or whether traffic police officers should play a part in controlling the movement of vehicles, non-motorised transport, and human traffic. 

“This seminal project is expected to revolutionise traffic management in Kenya. It will eliminate human interfaces in traffic control,” the Cabinet inferred. 

Automation is seen as a sure way of streamlining the payment of fines related to traffic offences in the city. 

Kenya has been mulling the ITS since 2022 when it sought help from South Korea to implement the system. 

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