July 5, 2024

CDF Francis Ogolla had warned her stubborn sister not to interfere with his burial wish

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CDF Francis Ogolla had warned her stubborn sister not to interfere with his burial wish

CDF Ogolla elder brother Canon Hezekiah Oduor said the late general laid down an elaborate plan for his burial warning his sister not to interfere with his wish

CDF Ogolla elder brother Canon Hezekiah Oduor said the late general laid down an elaborate plan for his burial warning his sister not to interfere with his wish.

The family of the late Chief of Defence Forces (CDF) General Francis Ogolla has revealed that the deceased planned his burial way before his death which happened on April 18, 2024.

Speaking to the media from his ancestral home in Mor village, Alego Usonga, Siaya County, CDF Ogolla’s elder brother Canon Hezekiah Oduor said the late general laid down an elaborate plan for his burial.

Oduor said that Ogolla instructed their family to bury him within 72 hours of his death.

“There is a time we talked with him and he told us that he would wish that he is buried within 72 hours, he doesn’t want a funeral that would run for many days. And even showed us that ‘if I die, bury me here’, in his home,” Canon Oduor said.

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Ogolla’s elder brother noted that the deceased insisted that his burial wish must be honoured and even warned their sister whom he thought would oppose his will.

“And he even questioned my sister there he told her that you are the one who is always stubborn, don’t bring problem during that time,” Oduor said.

“She gave up and said let the plans go as planned. The sister is seated here,” he added.

Ogolla’s elder brother reiterated that the departed CDF insisted on being buried as per his wish and strongly warned their stubborn sister not to interfere with his wish.

“He decided yes, and told us and even warned the sister here ‘that you are the one who is normally very stubborn and argumentative, please don’t bring problems during that day’,” Canon Oduor stated.

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