July 2, 2024

Chaos as Atwoli fights with Azimio senator over who to invite Raila

3 min read
Chaos as Atwoli fights with Azimio senator over who to invite Raila

Protocal hitch as Atwoli grabs microphone from Azimio senator as they disagreed on who should invite Azimio leader Raila Odinga to the podium

Protocal hitch as Atwoli grabs microphone from Azimio senator as they disagreed on who should invite Azimio leader Raila Odinga to the podium.

Chaos ensued on Saturday as Vihiga Senator Godfrey Osotsi and the secretary general of the Central Organization of Trade Unions (COTU), Francis Atwoli, got into a fight over who would get to introduce Azimio leader Raila Odinga to the podium.

The incident which occurred during the funeral of COTU Chairman Rajab Mwondi in Vihiga County happened as Osotsi, who was addressing the mourners, deviated from the programme and decided to welcome Vihiga Deputy Governor Wilberforce Kitiezo with the intention of being the one to welcome Raila after Kitiezo finished his speech.

Outraged by the incident, Atwoli walked up to the stage and took the senator’s microphone by force, adamantly insisting that the program must be followed and claiming that he was the one in charge, and beared the responsibility of inviting Raila Odinga to speak to the mourners.

“This is COTU’s funeral so we will follow our programme,” Atwoli remarked.

“But he is the Deputy Governor of Vihiga?” Osotsi retorted wondering why Kitiezo should not be granted a chance to speak.

A chorus of boos from the mourners in attendance soon followed as they shouted in support of the COTU leader.

Meanwhile, the COTU boss was on the receiving end for his remarks where he implored President Ruto, who was in attendance, to give appointments to “idle” Azimio leaders to end anti-government protests.

“Those who are calling for demonstrations are doing so because they don’t have offices and are idle,” said Mr Atwoli. “People like Eugene Wamalwa, Wycliffe Oparanya, Martha Karua, Kalonzo Musyoka and Raila Odinga have no offices to occupy and that is why they are on the streets. 

Give them the office of the leader of the opposition and they will sit down and work and there will be no more street protests.

Reacting to the Cotu leader’s remarks, Raila said Former Kakamega governor Wycliffe Oparanya does not need any appointment from the Kenya Kwanza government, adding that he has immense responsibilities in ODM.

“Mr Atwoli, I don’t know what office you want to appoint Oparanya to. ODM is Oparanya’s office and it’s a big party with many elected leaders,” Raila said.

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“Let those in the opposition do their oversight work,” he added.

Oparanya also expressed his displeasure, saying Atwoli’s remarks were disrespectful.

“Francis Atwoli, I respect you even if you don’t have anything nice to say, no matter that we are neighbours, but to come out and embarrass me is not in order, to say that I am idle that is why I am protesting is disrespectful,” Oparanya lamented.

Oparanya added that Mr Atwoli had since severed ties with him after he aligned himself with the government.

“You used to call me to your house and we would eat together, but today you don’t call me, but if you are eating alone just go ahead, we on the other hand do not sleep hungry”.

But the Cotu secretary-general did not back down. He replied to the Azimio leaders that they did not in fact have offices,

“The truth is that these Azimio leaders do not have offices. Tell me where Eugine Wamalwa’s office is, where Wajackoyah’s office is,” he retorted.

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