July 3, 2024

Chaos as Sakaja, Gachagua ally supporters clash during UDA elections

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Chaos as Sakaja, Gachagua ally supporters clash during UDA elections

UDA party elections descend into chaos as Sakaja, an ally of Gachagua, Gakuya supporters clash

UDA party elections descend into chaos as Sakaja, an ally of Gachagua, Gakuya supporters clash

A scuffle broke out during the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party elections in Nairobi on Friday afternoon after supporters of Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja and Embakasi North Member of Parliament James Gakuya’s clashed.

The wrangles ensued after a section of party members allied to MP Gakuya attempted to bar the Governor’s supporters from participating in the elections.

Following the move, Sakaja’s supporters resorted to a fight, forcing the election officials to momentarily halt the voting process.

A section of party members also accused the election officials of engaging in irregularities by allowing non-party members to participate in the elections.

Police officers who were on high alert quickly intervened to quell the situation with the election officials scampering for safety. 

The officers lobbed tear gas canisters into the air to disperse the party members who were going at each other.

Gakuya’s supporters could be heard chanting Sakaja’s name calling for his ouster.

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“We arrived at the voting polling centre early and lined up to vote only for a group of individuals to spark wrangles,” narrated one of the voters.

“Some of the leaders within this area orchestrated the fight, forcing the police to intervene.”

While lamenting the wrangles, a section of the voters urged the party leadership to intervene and take action against persons instigating such incidents.

The latest incident comes amidst a thickening controversy that has marred the UDA party and its leadership. 

The elections which took place on Friday, May 31, came against the backdrop of the UDA Party’s National Elections Board’s dismissal of Secretary General Malala’s’ postponement of party primaries in five counties as invalid.

UDA National Elections Board (NEB) chairperson Anthony Mwaura dismissed an alleged notice by Malala that halted elections in Nairobi, West Pokot, Narok, Busia, and Homa Bay.

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