July 3, 2024

COFEK condemns Kenya Power over inflated bills, wants KPLC to repay consumers 20% back

2 min read
COFEK condemns Kenya Power over inflated bills, wants KPLC to repay consumers 20% back

COFEK wants Kenya Power to repay consumers 20% of inflated electricity bills, interest backdated to 10 years

COFEK wants Kenya Power to repay consumers 20% of inflated electricity bills, interest backdated to 10 years.

In response to an audit report on inflated electricity bills, the Federation of Kenya Consumers (COFEK) reached out to Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) and demanded a refund. 

In a press statement released on Monday, August 7, COFEK said KPLC’s move to inflate power bills is an indictment that cannot be defended at any cost. 

“Kenya Power should make a commitment to refund consumers of their hard-earned money. We do not expect them to defend this course in a court of law,” said Mutoro.

The federation called on Kenya Power to apologize to all consumers and share a recovery plan for the 20% exaggerated bills and interest accrued, at least for the past 10 years. 

“The report confirms the many complaints and fears from consumers, raised daily. 

KPLC often intimidates consumers by unwarranted disconnections, even when bills are disputed. 

“We expect Kenya Power to make further confessions, unreservedly apologize to electricity consumers and publicize an immediate plan on consumers’ recovery of the stated 20%plus interest as backdated to at least 10 years ago,” said COFEK. 

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This comes after Auditor General Nancy Gathungu’s report to the National Assembly Committee on Energy showed that KPLC inflated consumer power bills by 20% of what they did not use. COFEK Secretary General Stephen Mutoro condemned Kenya Power for the action, which has seen several complaints raised by consumers for years. 

“Almost 20 percent of the bill to consumers cannot be matched to actual consumption neither can the distribution company attribute it to a specific consumer,” Ms Gathungu said.

According to the auditor, out of 96 generation plants supplying power to Kenya Power, only 38 had check meters. More shocking is that all 38 meters were off-the-grid power stations.

 The auditor general also told MPs that Kenya Power had no capacity to counter-check the invoices presented by the independent power producers (IPPs).

“There was a lack of primary access to the key indices which limited the ability of IPPs and KPLC to independently verify the authenticity of prices in the invoices where such indices were applied,” Ms Gathungu said.

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