July 3, 2024

CS Nakhumicha forced to cut her speech after angry protesters surrounded MP Barasa over the Finance Bill vote (VIDEO)

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CS Nakhumicha forced to cut her speech after angry protesters surrounded MP Barasa over the Finance Bill vote

Angry protesters surround MP Didmus Barasa for voting in favour of the contentious Finance Bill 2024

Angry protesters surround MP Didmus Barasa for voting in favour of the contentious Finance Bill 2024.

Kimilili Member of Parliament Didmus Barasa was on Saturday forced to seek refuge after angry protesters in Bungoma stormed a burial he was attending.

The chaos ensued after Health Cabinet Secretary Susan Nakhumicha stood to address the congregation of which Barasa was part.

However, Nakhumicha’s speech was momentarily cut after a group of armed locals began shouting at Didmus who was seated at the front.

The event quickly turned chaotic after the locals surrounded the MP, seeking to eject him from the event.

While expressing their rage, the residents accused the legislator of betrayal by voting in favour of the controversial Finance Bill 2024.

However, Barasa’s bodyguards who were on high alert quickly intervened and flanked the MP to protect him from public outrage.

Upon intervention, MP Barasa hesitantly rushed out of the event and made cover inside his vehicle even as residents followed him to beat him up.

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Barasa was one of the 204 Members of Parliament who voted ‘yes’ to the contentious bill despite a public call for the legislators to reject it.

The Bungoma incident comes a day after residents in Bondo, Siaya County stormed MP Gideon Ochanda’s office after he voted in favour of the bill.

While carrying a brown coffin, the locals marched up to the lawmaker’s office and began to demand his resignation.

The protestors also held huge placards with the legislator’s name written on them as they voiced their disappointment with Ochanda’s controversial decision.

Despite police efforts to bar their entry into the offices, the adamant protestors resorted to standing outside the premises as they held high the coffin.

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