July 3, 2024

Daddy Owen confirms First daughter Charlene Ruto visit to his rural home (PHOTOS)

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Daddy Owen confirms First daughter Charlene Ruto visit to his rural home

Gospel singer Daddy Owen confirms Charlene Ruto visit to his family’s rural home in Kakamega County

Gospel singer Daddy Owen confirms Charlene Ruto visit to his family’s rural home in Kakamega County.

In a statement via his X handle on Tuesday, January 2, the celebrated singer said 2023 was good year but the climax of it was the visit by the First Daughter to his home in Eshieywe.

“2023 was a good year! I thank God! I had so many highlights, but the climax, the pinnacle, and the crowning moment came at the tail end of the year when Charlene Ruto visited my home in Eshieywe a.k.a Kakamega,” Owen stated.

Daddy Owen explained that they celebrated Charlene’s visit with local songs and dances and ate traditional delicacies including “amakwakwata” and “lhisebhebhe”.

“We celebrated with songs, dance and ululations! Abhashiere came with their best dancing shoes to whirl to the real isikuti made from the tough “imbulu” skin! We ate various Abhatsotso tradition delicacies from “amakwakwata” to “lhisebhebhe”. Ebhusang’ang’a village was happy, my mum was happy, she loves guests and the guests were happy as well,” he added.

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The statement comes after speculations emerged online regarding Charlene and Daddy Owen’s relationship. 

The rumors were fueled by Charlene’s visit to Daddy Owen’s Kakamega home.

Daddy Owen in November mentioned that he and Charlene are close friends and there is nothing more between them other than the charity projects they have been engaging in.

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