July 3, 2024

Dennis Itumbi reveals renowned blogger, Billy is being detained

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Dennis Itumbi reveals renowned blogger, Billy is being detained

Dennis Itumbi claims Crazy Nairobian ( Billy) was arrested for sending threatening messages

Dennis Itumbi claims Crazy Nairobian ( Billy) was arrested for sending threatening messages.

Digital strategist Dennis Itumbi has revealed insights into the arrest of Billy, better known as Crazy Nairobian, during the Finance Bill protests staged this week. 

Itumbi says blogger Billy Simani, alias Billy The Goat, is being detained for allegedly forwarding threatening messages.

The renowned influencer was arrested on Friday, June 21, and taken to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) headquarters.

Itumbi promised to intervene and help secure the blogger’s release.

“I have checked with police why Crazy Nairobian, Billy, is under arrest. I understand he sent a threatening message/s. I get hundreds of those myself, and they do not bother me. But, well, it is a crime. I am unable to intervene, though I strongly disagree. I will reach out to the complainant to see if he/she can withdraw,” he said.

Further, Itumbi urged public servants to develop a thick skin when dealing with some of the insults meted upon them by the public. 

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“That said, when they used to arrest me, I used the court platform to argue truth and facts. I am of the view that insults are part of free speech. Insulting and criticising public servants should not be treated as a crime. I will leave the jury to decide if sending threatening messages should be treated as a crime. I would personally not bother report to police, but that I leave to the courts to determine.”

“I also firmly hold that Public Servants should grow a thick skin. Some of these arrests based on your complaints are unnecessary. They may not be illegal, but they are sincerely stupid!” he added.

Itumbi’s response comes following an online forum hosted on the X platform which sought to know the whereabouts of Crazy Nairobian. 

The X Space, which had over 10,000 listeners, questioned why the government was headhunting some of the Gen Zs who publicly voiced their opinion over the harsh economic conditions. 

Billy was among the influencers mobilizing anti-finance bill protests via X.

Young Kenyans took to the streets to protest the Finance Bill 2024, which they said contained punitive tax measures.

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