June 26, 2024

Details of a meeting between Raila and KMPDU officials

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Details of a meeting between Raila and KMPDU officials

KMPDU officials meet Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga after State House visit

KMPDU officials meet Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga after State House visit

The Kenya Medical Practitioners Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPDU) leadership on Saturday met Azimio la Umoja-One Kenya coalition leader Raila Odinga shortly after a meeting with President William Ruto at State House, Nairobi.

During their meeting, Raila encouraged the medics to enhance their dialogue with the government to address the remaining issues effectively.

National Assembly leader Opiyo Wandayi accompanied Raila to the meeting.

“Today, I had a meeting with the leadership of the Kenya Medical Practitioners Pharmacists and Dentists Union. I urged them to enhance their dialogue with the government to address the remaining issues effectively. The House Minority Leader, Honorable Opiyo Wandayi, was also present,” Raila said. 

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Ruto had met the union’s leadership days after they called off the doctor’s strike which had hindered normal hospital operations for 56 days.

At the meeting, the president vowed to tackle the human resource challenges preventing the achievement of the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in the country.

He also reiterated the government’s unwavering commitment to engaging stakeholders in the health sector for industrial harmony and lasting solutions to the challenges.

On their part, the union through their secretary general Davji Atellah affirmed their support for the implementation of social health insurance for every Kenyan and the universal healthcare agenda.

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