June 29, 2024

Doctors reject government’s Sh2.4 billion offer to end strike

2 min read
Doctors reject government's Sh2.4 billion offer to end strike

Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Union (KMPDU) reject Ksh.2.4 billion offer from the government to end the ongoing doctors strike

Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Union (KMPDU) reject Ksh.2.4 billion offer from the government to end the ongoing doctors strike.

The Union chairperson Abi Mwachi has maintained that the government must honour the 2017-21 Collective Bargaining Agreement in totality.

This comes after State House Chief of Staff and Head of the Public Service Felix Koskei on Tuesday announced that the monies will allow for the posting of all eligible medical student interns, inviting those eligible to pick letters from Thursday.

Koskei further noted that eligible medical workers would also receive grants and scholarships for their postgraduate education.

However, Doctors through KMPDU Chairman Abi Mwachi and Secretary General Davji Atellah vetoed the offer arguing that it has not fully honored the the 2017 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).

In a statement addressed to President William Ruto, Dr. Mwachi said that the CBA agreement should be fully honoured and the health workers should have their demands met in total compliance.

“The doctors of this country did nothing but believed in the promise of their government in 2017 where hence we ended a 100 days strike for the price of a promissory note. It is time to honour that promise. Respectfully,” he wrote.

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“We decline these proposals in total. We believe that genuine governments should honor their Collective Bargaining Agreements.”

Atellah echoed the Chairman’s sentiments, terming the government’s move as impunity and that they will not relent until their demands and sufficiently met.

“We refuse to tolerate impunity! With unwavering determination, our resolve surges. United in purpose, our strike gains momentum, intensifying tenfold as we advance towards a healthcare system rooted in fairness and justice,” he said.

The nationwide doctor’s strike entered its third week on Tuesday, since March 14, further exacerbating the sorry state of affairs in hospitals as doctors have abandoned the wards and taken the streets.

Their main contention has been on government’s failure to post medical interns and the health ministry’s non-adherence to the medics’ 2017 CBA.

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