June 26, 2024

Don’t associate us with popular hustler culture! Tanzania warns Kenya in fake fertilizer scandal

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Don't associate us with popular hustler culture! Tanzania warns Kenya in fake fertilizer scandal

The government of Tanzania dismisses claims that the fake fertilizer in Kenya originated from their country

The government of Tanzania dismisses claims that the fake fertilizer in Kenya originated from their country.

Tanzanian government vehemently warned Kenya about implicating it in its fake fertilizer scandal following sensational remakes by a controversial Nairobi-based lawyer that the fake fertilizer originated from Tanzania.

It all began on April 24, 2025, when renowned lawyer Ahmednasir Abdullahi claimed he had actionable intelligence that the fake fertilizer was manufactured and procured from Tanzania- all from a quarry where stones, sand, and goat manure was sourced.

“I now have actionable intelligence that the fake fertilizer was manufactured/procured from Tanzania. I challenge Waziri Linturi, the National Cereals and Produce Board, and MEMS to tell Kenyans the quarry in Tanzania where the goat manure, sand, and stones were mixed and in what proportions. Did KRA receive taxes from MEMS or did the fake manure pass through panya routes?

In his April 25, 2024, statement, Mr. Hussein Bashe, the Minister of the Ministry for Agriculture in Tanzania, rubbished Mr Abdullahi’s claims, warning him against implicating his country and to clean up their mess in Kenya.

“Brother, is this comment intended as part of the usual banter between Tanzania and Kenya, or are you serious? Tanzania is not connected to any fake fertilizer scandal, so please do not associate us with the popular hustler culture. Tanzania does not export counterfeit commodities, including fertilizer, to Kenya.

We are well aware of the exact nature of the goods our two companies have exported through official channels. Please address your issues with shortcuts and questionable practices, as our trade policies are governed by principles rooted in integrity. If there is a mess, I recommend you clean it up, do not implicate Tanzania. It is not our way,” responded Mr Bashe.

In response, Mr Abdullahi appeared to be taking back his words as he clarified some sentiments he made but still insisted that the fake fertilizer from Kenya came from Tanzania.

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“Waziri, thank you for your prompt reply. I think everyone appreciates the amazing job you do over there. I keenly watch your perfervid and forceful debates in Parliament. I am not talking (sp) of genuine fertilizer exported by the Tanzania government or companies through official channels. What we have in this case is a Kenyan company that was awarded a Sh1.2 billion tender to supply fertilizer to the National Cereals and Produce Board. The company bought genuine fertilizer worth Kshs 190m from a company in Thika. Then, it supplied fake fertilizer composed of goat manure, sand, and rocks and was paid about Kshs 1.9 billion.

We have credible evidence that fake fertilizer of sand, goat manure, and rocks were procured from Tanzania. Large consignments of the same are now in stores in a town in the lower Eastern Province of Kenya. Waziri, probably, you should help us identify the quarry that supplied the sand, rocks, and goat manure as the Kenyan company will not admit that it supplied our farmers sand, rocks, and goat manure! Please, Waziri! We will really appreciate it,” said Mr Abdullahi.

The fake fertilizer scandal in Kenya erupted a few weeks ago when it was finally confirmed that the government had been distributing fake fertilizer despite earlier vehement denials and claiming it was opposition propaganda. 

Farmers had continuously complained of buying the fertilizer only to find rocks, sand, and animal waste in the bags, and that they had lost millions of shillings after using the fertilizer and not realizing the intended harvests.

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