July 2, 2024

Drama in Machakos court as a woman called to testify in a case starts to bleat like a goat (VIDEO)

2 min read
Drama in Machakos court as a woman called to testify in a case starts to bleat like a goat

A woman called to testify in a case starts to bleat like a goat at Machakos court sending everyone in shock

A woman called to testify in a case starts to bleat like a goat at Machakos court sending everyone in shock.

There was drama in a court in Machakos County after a woman called to testify in a case started to bleat like a goat. 

The woman was to appear before the magistrate in a case where she was listed as a witness.

However, when she was called forward to testify she failed to speak but instead started to bleat like a goat.

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Residents and court officials were astonished by this since it prevented them from moving forward with the case as the key witness was unable to speak.

Locals gathered in the vicinity to witness this rare occurrence, which attracted a crowd.

It’s not clear what might have prompted her to bleat like a goat.


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