July 3, 2024

Ekuru Aukot to challenge Raila’s clearance by IEBC in court

2 min read

Ekuru Aukot to challenge Raila’s clearance by the IEBC to run for the August general elections in court.

Ekuru Aukot, the leader of the Thirdway Alliance, says he will appeal the IEBC’s decision to clear Raila Odinga to run for president.

Aukot made the comments after being disqualified from the presidential election on August 9 by the Independent Electoral Boundaries Commission.

Aukot was disqualified after he failed to submit signatures and copies of national identity cards of 48,000 registered voters who endorsed his presidential bid.

He said he will challenge the ID and signatures requirement for presidential aspirants as well as Raila’s candidature at the polls.

Ekuru Aukot to challenge Raila’s clearance

He said;

“Odinga has been sponsored by the State, hence the use of government resources in financing his bid,” Aukot said.

He said he will file the petition at the High Court on Monday, June 6.

This isn’t the first time Aukot has attempted to thwart Raila’s political ambitions.

He attempted to disqualify the Azimio flagbearer from the presidential contest in April of this year, claiming that he was still a government employee.

In a joint petition with his Thirdway Alliance chairman Miruru Waweru, the duo argued that Raila is a lifetime public servant and cannot resign to run for elective posts like other public officers.

They said that in 2015, Parliament passed the Retirement Benefits (Deputy President and Designated State Officers) Act, which established certain public offices obligating the entitled persons to serve as public officers.

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