July 4, 2024

EPRA makes no meaningful changes as it announces new fuel prices

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EPRA makes no meaningful changes as it announces new fuel prices

EPRA announces new fuel prices for July following the 16 Percent VAT included in the Finance Act

EPRA announces new fuel prices for July following the 16 Percent VAT included in the Finance Act.

On Friday, July 14, the Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) announced new fuel prices that would take effect on Saturday, July 15.

A litre of Super Petrol will retail for Ksh194.68 in the most recent review, down Ksh0.85 from the previous Ksh195.53 pricing, while a litre of Diesel will continue to cost Ksh179.67. 

Kerosene also had a price drop of Ksh3.96 and will now retail for Ksh169.48 per litre as opposed to the previous Ksh173.44 per litre.

“Taking into account the weighted average cost of imported refined petroleum products, the changes in the maximum allowed petroleum prices in Nairobi are as follows: Super Petrol and Kerosene decrease by Ksh0.85 and Ksh3.96 per litre respectively while Diesel remains unchanged,” read the statement in part.

“EPRA has calculated the maximum retail prices of petroleum products which will be in force from July 15, 2023, to August 14, 2023, in accordance with Section 101(y) of the Petroleum Act 2019 and Legal Notice No.192 of 2022.”

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The review was conducted 14 days after the Finance Act’s inclusion of a 16 percent VAT on petroleum products, which resulted in a Ksh13 rise for gasoline on June 31.

EPRA increased the prices of fuel despite the High Court suspending the Finance Act 2023.

Justice Mugure Thande suspended the implementation of the Act after a case ´led by Busia Senator Okiya Omtatah challenging the constitutionality of the Finance Act, of 2023. 

In defying the court ruling, Epra increased the price of petrol by RELATED News Jul 02 High fuel prices take effect despite public outrage News Jul 04 Matatu fares to go up 30pc Sh13.49, diesel by Sh12.39 and kerosene by Sh11.96 per litre.

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