July 2, 2024

Gatundu residents reprimand CS Kuria over insults on Uhuru and Kenyatta family

3 min read
Gatundu residents reprimand CS Kuria over insults on Uhuru and Kenyatta family

Gatundu South residents want CS Kuria to apologize over an alleged insult on Uhuru and the larger Kenyatta family

Gatundu South residents want CS Kuria to apologize over an alleged insult on Uhuru and the larger Kenyatta family.

Residents of Gatundu South have criticized Moses Kuria, the cabinet secretary for trade, industry, and investment, for allegedly attacking former president Uhuru Kenyatta and the larger Kenyatta family.

Kuria is alleged to have said unprintable insults against the former president and his family while speaking at the Ndumo ya Mt Kenya entertainment event last Sunday at Gatundu Stadium, which was hosted by gospel artist Ngaruiya Junior.

Additionally, the CS is said to have asked the former head of state to respect President William Ruto and warned the retired leader against undermining Ruto’s administration.

The sentiments did not sit well with Gatundu South residents who have now told him off.

Led by a group of elderly men, women, and youth, the residents demanded that Kuria apologizes to the Kenyattas for the unsavory comments he made.

They also asked Kuria to concentrate on working for Kenyans by using his powerful position to create jobs for the jobless, and support local investments to grow instead of sustained attacks on the former Head of State.

Monica Njeri, a resident, told journalists that despite the hate by Kuria, Uhuru Kenyatta remains adorable to them owing to his composure and the social-economic developments he initiated in the constituency when he was president.

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“Kuria should concentrate on restoring sanity in the macadamia sector that is dying. He was not appointed to be abusing people, his job is to grow investments locally and help small businesses grow. Let him focus on delivering the promises Ruto made to Kenyans including creating jobs for the unemployed,” she said.

Njuguna Mwaura, an elderly man from Ng’enda Ward insisted that Gatundu South men are ready to pay debts owed to Kuria by the Kenyattas, if there are any.

“Customarily, men fight each other because of two things; money and women. If the beef between Kuria and Uhuru is based on any of the two, we are ready to pay the ultimate price,” angry Mwaura said.

He regretted that the nonstop attacks against the former president have brought shame to the constituency and urged the CS to stop the attacks.

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