July 5, 2024

Gov Simba Arati breaks silence after a contingent of GSU officers surround his office

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Gov Simba Arati breaks silence after a contingent of GSU officers surround his office

Confusion as armed GSU police officers surround Governor Simba Arati office at Gusii Stadium

Confusion as armed GSU police officers surround Governor Simba Arati office at Gusii Stadium.

There was confusion on Monday when a contingent of heavily armed General Service Unit officers surrounded Kisii Governor Simba Arati’s office at Gusii Stadium.

The officers also raided the Ajiry Centre used by the county for ICT training within the stadium premises.

The officers were ferried to the premises in a police truck accompanied by other police vehicles but it is still unclear what they are after.

Sources claimed that the GSU surrounded the office after receiving orders from above.

The officers, however, did not hinder the governor and his team from accessing the office located at the Gusii Stadium when he arrived for work on Monday.

The governor accessed his stadium office with no hitch. He arrived and greeted the officers who did not stop him with his team

According to police officials, officers were sent to the county to take action against boda boda riders who are thought to be involved in illegal operations.

Police authorities said the officers have been dispatched to the county to crack down on rogue bodaboda riders allegedly engaged in criminal activities.

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However, speaking to the press at the stadium, Gov Simba Arati claimed that he was under intimidation.

He said the presence of the officers is part of the wider plan to destabilize his administration, warning of a plot to impeach him.

“I heard that money is being collected around to dish Sh500,000 each to the MCAs to impeach me… Pray for me… I have seen dark ominous clouds gathering. This war is going to be long,” the governor said.

Arati claimed that he had also received intelligence that officers were planning a raid at his rural Motonto home in Bobasi Constituency.

“Don’t come to my residence at night, come in the daytime, I don’t want you to come and plant guns in my house so that you can begin incriminating me,” Arati said.

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