June 29, 2024

Government announces extension of school opening dates

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Government announces extension of school opening dates

Government to extend school opening dates for institutions affected by the floods

Government to extend school opening dates for institutions affected by the floods

The national government on Friday, April 26 announced that the extension of school opening dates will be done on a case-by-case basis.

Speaking during a press briefing on the ongoing floods in Karen, Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua noted that the Ministry of Education would coordinate with various county governments to analyse the situation on the ground before parents and students are advised on the changes.

He also maintained that students whose schools have not been affected by the rains ought to report to schools as scheduled by the government.

“On a case by case, it will be analysed on its own merit. Where there is a need to extend the opening day, we can do that. Otherwise, for the purpose of the country, the school will open as planned,” he stated.

Meanwhile, Education Principal Secretary Belio Kipsang noted that the Ministry had already begun analysing the situation in Nairobi County.

Particularly, he hinted that 64 schools in Nairobi county would have their opening dates rescheduled owing to the destruction of classes and washrooms.

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Nonetheless, he also maintained that the school opening dates would remain unchanged for those institutions that have not been affected.

“In Nairobi County, we have 64 schools which are substantially affected in terms of classes and washrooms. In Nairobi, we decided to deal with them as local issues so that we cannot ask all schools not to open.

“This is because Nairobi has 210 public schools and 800 private schools. For the 64, we might delay their opening,” he stated.

Schools are scheduled to be reopened for the second term as from Monday, April 29.

On the other hand, the Ministry of Transport has been tasked with rebuilding key infrastructure used by school buses and students.

Some of the infrastructure that has been destroyed include roads and bridges.

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