July 1, 2024

Government changes planned date for police salary increase

2 min read
Government changes planned date for police salary increase

Police salary increase delayed amid ongoing reforms in the National Police Service

Police salary increase delayed amid ongoing reforms in the National Police Service.

Police officers will have to wait longer before receiving the proposed 40 percent salary increment.

Speaking on Thursday, June 6 Interior Principal Secretary Raymond Omollo said police officers will get a salary increase later this year.

He noted that the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) is in the fourth cycle of the police salaries review.

“I think they (SRC) are in the fourth cycle of the salary review and have already made the recommendations, I would not say exactly when but we expect that to happen within this year,” PS Omollo stated.

The Interior PS mentioned that the National Police Service (NPS) has a budget line of Sh 6.5 billion that has been committed in the current and in next financial year to implement police reforms proposed by the National Police Reforms Taskforce.

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Omollo further said that the country needs Sh108 billion over the next four years to fully implement the recommendations and ensure efficiency in the NPS.

On January 2, Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua announced that police officers would start receiving their 40 percent salary increase from July 1, 2024.

“The report has come out and the President has approved it. Starting July 1st this year, we will progressively increase your salaries by 40 percent within three years,” Gachagua announced.

The DP pointed out that the pay increment would improve service delivery in the security sector.

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