July 4, 2024

Government mobilizing illegal groups against Azimio- Wajackoya

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Government mobilizing illegal groups against Azimio- Wajackoya

Wajackoya claims the Kenya Kwanza government is mobilizing illegal groups against Azimio nationwide mass demonstration

Wajackoya claims the Kenya Kwanza government is mobilizing illegal groups against Azimio nationwide mass demonstration. 

Roots Party Leader George Wajackoya on Sunday claimed that the government has mobilized illegal groups to disrupt Azimio protesters.

The 2022 general election presidential candidate claimed that the action was intended to incite violence and pin the blame on the leadership of Azimio.

Wajackoya claimed that 500 motorcycle riders had gathered in Nairobi on Monday to spread mayhem and anarchy.

He, however, did not provide evidence against his claims.

“Those 500 motorcycle riders have been brought in by ethnic chauvinists to work and infiltrate the protests and kill our people,” he said.

Speaking during a church service on Sunday at JTM Embakasi, he claimed that they will be writing to the International Criminal Court against government actions.

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“Those with smartphones, we want you to shoot videos as evidence,” he said.

Wajackoya asked the police to be responsible and act within the law during Monday’s protests and refuse ‘being misused by an illegitimate government”.

“They are in power with authority by themselves and not by the people of Kenya,” he said.

The Roots Party Leader also referred to Azimio leader Raila Odinga and Narc Kenya leader Martha Karua as “president and deputy president of the republic of Kenya”.

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