July 3, 2024

How Charlene Ruto defied his father’s order to attend the burial of Gen Francis Ogolla

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How Charlene Ruto defied his father's order to attend the burial of Gen Francis Ogolla

President Ruto reveals how his daughter Charlene defied his orders about attending the burial of the late Chief of Defence Forces Francis Ogolla

President Ruto reveals how his daughter Charlene defied his orders about attending the burial of the late Chief of Defence Forces Francis Ogolla.

Speaking at General Ogolla’s funeral service in Ng’iya in Siaya County, Ruto recalled a conversation with his daughter on Saturday, where she requested to attend the burial and give a speech.

President Ruto revealed he had told his daughter that it will not be possible, but Charlene made it to the podium to address mourners.

 “I was surprised, amazed actually that my own daughter was greatly influenced by General Ogolla. Yesterday she called me and told me that she wants to go to the funeral of General Ogolla and she wanted to speak,” the President shared.

“I told her there’s no way you are going and there is no way you are speaking anywhere. As fate would have it she found her way here and before I could notice she was on the microphone. That’s how General Ogolla was influential.”

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In a strategy to outsmart her father and the event organisers, Charlene struck a deal with General Ogolla’s daughter Lorna. When it was her time to talk, she (Lorna) called Charlene to address mourners.

Charlene expressed her condolences to the family, stating that young people have lost a mentor and a champion in General Ogolla.

Charlene added that despite General Ogolla influencing numerous young people in the defense forces, his influence was felt by those in various leadership positions and fields such as climate space, sports, health practitioners, and many more.

She stated that she had met General Ogolla once, where she experienced his kindness, genuine care, and love for young people.

“His death has hit me and my team so hard because in the fight for youth inclusion, many listen to us but few encourage, support, advise, or guide. General Ogolla was among the few,” Charlene stated.

“I really don’t know if we will find another like him. But as young people in his honor, we aim to live a life like his of good character, humility, and integrity.”

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