July 1, 2024

How MPs scrambled to the basement parking after vote on Finance Bill

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How MPs scrambled to the basement parking after vote on Finance Bill

MPs scrambled to basement parking protesters opposed to the Finance Bill started pelting vehicles parked inside Parliament precincts

MPs scrambled to basement parking protesters opposed to the Finance Bill started pelting vehicles parked inside Parliament precincts

MPs and parliamentary staff rushed to move their vehicles to the basement parking of the National Assembly after they voted for the contentious Finance Bill, 2024 at the second reading stage.

A total of 204 MPs voted yes against 115 who opposed. There were no abstentions.

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“Members, the matter of the Finance Bill are now over, we wait for the committee of the whole, those who have amendments to file, clerk and his team will process those amendments,” Speaker Wetangu’la said.

The Speaker’s declaration triggered fresh activity outside as protesters opposed to the Bill started pelting vehicles parked inside Parliament precincts with stones.

The parking lot adjacent to the Expressway is reserved for parliamentary staff and other junior employees.

This prompted MPs who had parked within Parliament precincts on Parliament Roadside and County Hall to move their vehicles to basement parking in a huff.

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