July 3, 2024

How police rearrested wanted fugitive Kelvin Kangethe in a night ambush

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How police rearrested wanted fugitive Kelvin Kangethe in a night ambush

US wanted fugitive for murder Kelvin Kangethe rearrested after police night ambush after his mysterious escape

US wanted fugitive for murder Kelvin Kangethe rearrested after police night ambush after his mysterious escape.

Wanted fugitive Kelvin Kangethe has been rearrested following his mysterious escape from Muthaiga Police Station.

According to a police report, Kangethe was captured in Embulbul in Ngong on Tuesday evening February 13, as he sought refuge at one of his relatives’ homes. 

Kangethe was arrested minutes past 10 pm after police received a tip-off from the members of the public and laid a trap before ambushing him.

A contingent of 11 well-trained officers led the operation that saw Kangethe, who is accused of murdering his girlfriend Margaret Mbitu and leaving her body at Logan Airport in the US, rearrested.

“After receiving a tip from members of the public the SCPC Kajiado North Mr. Hussein Gura SSP, Ocs Ngong C. I Phillip Ole Nkindi mobilised the following officers Cpl Mutuma and PC Okinda.pc Nderitu,pc Kantai,pc Muthoka,pc(w) Kimathi,pc Mwadime,pc Kipngetich, and Pc(d) Ibrahim who laid an ambush at Ngong township Map BJ 331448 about 3km west of the station (cmm),” the police report read in part.

“They managed to arrest one Kelvin Kinyanjui Kangethe who had escaped from Muthaiga Police Station on 7/2/2024,” it added.

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Kangethe escaped from Muthaiga police station on February 7 sparking concern across the globe. Reports indicated that Kangethe walked out of the Muthaiga Police Station after requesting to meet his lawyer.

Four police officers were suspended while the lawyer was arrested to help in the investigations to nab the suspect. 

Another lawyer was also abducted by DCI and his brother was also arrested for allegedly orchestrating his escape plan.

Kangethe, 40, had been detained pending a ruling on whether he should be extradited to face a first-degree murder charge in connection with the death of Margaret Mbitu on October 31, 2023.

US authorities had earlier indicated that Kangethe fled to Kenya after committing the crime where he had been hiding.

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