July 5, 2024

Ida Odinga, Gov Waiguru and other women governors attend a global meeting in Newyork

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Ida Odinga, Gov Waiguru and other women governors attend a global meeting in Newyork

Mama Ida Odinga, former Prime Minister Raila Odinga's wife held a meeting with seven female governors in New York to discuss ways of delivering devolution through good governance

Mama Ida Odinga, former Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s wife held a meeting with seven female governors in New York to discuss ways of delivering devolution through good governance.

During the launch of the G7 Strategy in the United States, the Council of Governors women caucus, Kirinyaga governor Anne Waiguru noted that the aim is to mobilise various partners towards supporting the implementation of gender equality in leadership roles.

In her capacity as the Council of Governors, Waiguru clarified that the forum’s three main focuses were creating a strong communication and branding strategy, identifying potential and capable women leaders who should be trained to assume leadership roles, and creating a mentorship program to assist women leaders at the grassroots level.

Modeling female governors as transformative leaders and advocates for inclusive political representation and participation is part of the G7 strategy’s objective.

According to the CoG chair, the G7 strategy would guide the current female governors in addressing the community’s needs and spearheading the next crop of female leaders.

In a statement endorsed by Ida and other female governors, Waiguru emphasized the necessity of formulating sustainable funding strategies to facilitate the implementation of the strategy.

She advocated for the adoption of a G7 approach that incorporates a Pan-African Movement, aiming to inspire other countries with similar governance systems. 

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Such an approach, she asserted, would enhance women’s political participation and representation.

The launch was attended by governors Susan Kihika (Nakuru), Wavinya Ndeti (Machakos), Cecily Mbarire (Embu), and Gladys Wanga (Homabay), alongside female leaders from various other African countries.

During the event, Waiguru underscored the pivotal role of female leaders as catalysts for societal change and economic growth, emphasizing their significance in fostering stability within communities.

The G7 launch in New York was the culmination of the strategy that had earlier been launched by President William Ruto who reaffirmed his commitment to gender equality.

On March 7, 2024, Ruto promised to push for the implementation of recommendations of the National Dialogue Committee (NADCO) report that sought to achieve the two-thirds gender principle. The report recommended the amendment of the Election Act 2011 to allow parties to submit lists that comply with the gender rule.

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