July 7, 2024

IEBC officials working on presidential petition attacked

2 min read

IEBC officials working on the presidential petition filed by the Azimio coalition were last night, Monday attacked by Goons.

Officials of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) were attacked by armed goons last night as they were preparing prepared to respond to the forthcoming presidential petition.

In a statement dated Monday, August 22, the electoral body stated that the officials were working from an undisclosed office when the goons – armed with crude weapons – attempted to attack them.

According to IEBC, the event took place shortly after 8 o’clock.

“Today, Monday, August 22, 2022, at around 8:30 pm an organized group of goons wielding crude weapons attempted to attack IEBC personnel preparing responses to presidential election petitions at a premise within Nairobi,” read the IEBC statement in part.

However, no IEBC official was hurt during the incident.

Further, IEBC called on the Inspector General of Police, Hillary Mutyambai, and the Directorate of Criminal Investigation (DCI) boss, George Kinoti, to investigate the matter and ensure that the culprits are brought to book.

The electoral body termed the incident as intimidation due to the nature of the work the officials were undertaking.

“IEBC condemns this act of hooliganism and intimidation and calls upon the Inspector of Police (IG) to bring to an end this blatant abuse of the Rule of Law,” read the statement in part.

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