June 29, 2024

“IEBC servers for the 2022 presidential election will be opened,” Raila tells supporters

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"IEBC servers for the 2022 presidential election will be opened," Raila tells supporters

Raila assures his supporters that IEBC servers will be opened as agreed in the National Dialogue Committee

Raila assures his supporters that IEBC servers will be opened as agreed in the National Dialogue Committee.

Speaking in Suba South constituency, Homa Bay county, Raila alluded to a positive development arising from the discussions of members of the National Dialogue Committee. 

The Azimio leader hinted at an agreement among committee members to address specific concerns that the Azimio faction had presented prior to the commencement of the bipartisan talks. 

Regarding the negotiations, Raila expressed his endorsement of the document while pointing out that certain pertinent issues, such as the cost of living, were not adequately tackled. 

“The document the team has come up with is, ultimately, imperfect and unfinished. The two teams were unable to agree on the need and the means to reduce the cost of living. We made what believed were reasonable proposals on how to address the rising cost of living. But the government side flatly refused, terming it their exclusive business,” he said. 

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Raila declared that, according to the committee’s resolution, the reconstitution of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) leadership is contingent upon an agreement reached by members from both political outfits. 

He emphasized that Azimio, as part of this process, must approve the proposed appointees’ names before the individuals officially take office. 

Furthermore, Raila asserted that those elected from the ODM party who switched to other political affiliations would forfeit their seats. “NADCO agreed on four basic issues including cost of living, IEBC, the issue about political issues, and taxation. IEBC will be reconstituted with our participation. We must approve the names of those who are going to be members of IEBC. Two, the server is going to be opened. We have also agreed that party rebels must resign. We are going to take back those who switched their allegiance from the ODM party to the people,” he said. 

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