July 3, 2024

“If you choose me, I’ll be on the presidential ballot in 2027” – Raila

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"If you choose me, I'll be on the presidential ballot in 2027" - Raila

Raila Odinga says he'll be on the 2027 presidential ballot 2027 if supporters choose him as he launches a membership drive

Raila Odinga says he’ll be on the 2027 presidential ballot if supporters choose him as he launches a membership drive.

Azimio and opposition leader Raila Odinga now say he will vie for the presidential seat in 2027 for the sixth time should his supporters endorse him.

Speaking in Homa Bay during the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Party registration drive, Odinga indicated that he would not give way to anyone should he be chosen.

“Many people are saying that Baba is too old and tired. Do you want me to leave it to anyone? Do you want me to continue? How many want me to go on? please raise up your hands,” he stated.

“If you want me to go on you have to register into ODM and make it strong. Especially the youth, please come and register. A strong ODM will ensure that Azimio is stronger.”

Raila Odinga initiated the ODM registration drive on Saturday in Siaya, aiming to amass sufficient numbers and backing in preparation for the grassroots elections set for March 2024.

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The statement comes as Kalonzo says he’s ready to be the sixth president of Kenya, declaring his political ambitions in the 2027 general elections.

With the backing of the other Azimio co-principals, Kalonzo expressed his confidence that he would prevail and become the sixth President.

He said that ODM leader Raila Odinga, who has endorsed him three times in a row, has suggested he would back his candidacy this time as the Alliance’s nominee.

“Raila has to support me this time round. During the 2022 polls, you told me to rally alone. Leaders came and told me to support Raila’s bid close to a week’s time to the ballot and I did exactly so and we are still together,” Kalonzo said.

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