July 3, 2024

Insider claims of fallout in Azimio over Ruto Talks

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Insider claims of fallout in Azimio over Ruto Talks

Fallout in Azimio camp over composition of members in the bipartisan talks to broke truce with William Ruto

Fallout in Azimio camp over composition of members in the bipartisan talks to broke truce with William Ruto.

According to revealations by Kileleshwa Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) MCA Robert Alai, Martha Karua is pushing to have embattled Jubilee Secretary General Jeremiah Kioni as part of Azimio’s five-member team.

An agreement reached between the ruling Kenya Kwanza coalition and the opposition allowed each side to front a team of five including three lawmakers and two members outside Parliament.

Alai said that Azimio had chosen former CS Eugene Wamalwa and Wiper Leader Kalonzo Musyoka as the non-Parliament members.

However, some coalition members were upset by the choice and insisted that the team include a representation from the Mt. Kenya region.

“Eugene Wamalwa and Kalonzo Musyoka were suggested to be the members from outside Parliament. Martha Karua protested saying there was no way Kioni could not be part of that because Mt Kenya should be represented,” he stated.

The MCA objected to the demand insisting that ODM demanded a bigger share of the team since it contributed a larger voting block during the August 2022 General Election.

He asserted that Raila, who was focused on settling disputes inside the Jubilee Party, was more interested in winning over his co-principals than in advancing the ODM party in preparation for the 2027 General Election.

“My problem is that President Uhuru Kenyatta, Martha Karua, Gideon Moi, and George Wajackoyah are misusing Raila. We must fight for our own position for ODM. ODM must be ready for the 2027 elections. We must rebrand the party, and make it interesting for the young people,” he added.

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“Raila is spending more time talking about the demands of Uhuru and Martha Karua. He is talking about political parties’ democracy and Jubilee being destroyed. We need to focus on other things. There are our members who were targeted, shot at and imprisoned.”

Mean while, Azimio la Umoja Coalition has released a list of members of its dialogue committee trusted to spearhead talks with President William Ruto’s Kenya Kwanza Coalition.

A statement dated Monday, July 31, indicated that the five-member team will be led by Wiper Leader Kalonzo Musyoka.

Other members include the National Assembly Minority Leader Opiyo Wandayi, DAP Party leader Eugene Wamalwa, Nyamira Senator Okong’o Omogeni and Malindi MP Amina Mnyazi.

“Our position remains that no party to these negotiations can claim a right to determine for the other what to raise and what not to raise.

“Azimio will respect Kenya Kwanza’s right to bring all its issues to the table. We expect Kenya Kwanza to do the same with our issues,” read the statement in part.

According to the opposition, the main issues to be tabled center around the high cost of living, the audit of the 2022 General Election results, and the bipartisan reconstitution of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Committee (IEBC).

Others are inclusivity in national affairs and respect for political parties in line with the constitution.

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