April 1, 2025

Investigative journalist details how IEBC’s mistakes might cost Kenya’s elections, claims investigations underway in Europe on ballot 

Investigative journalist, Matsanga David details how IEBC’s mistakes might cost Kenya’s elections claiming investigations are underway in Europe on ballot paper printing.

The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) has been accused of being inadequately prepared with only 29 days remaining to August polls.

An investigative journalist and political pundit David Matsanga has claimed that the August elections might be nullified for not meeting constitutional threshold.

David Matsanga, a Ugandan born Lawyer, investigative journalist and conflict resolution expert has accused IEBC chairman Wafula Chebukati of making unnecessary mistakes. 

Taking to his Facebook account Matsanga has lamented on how IEBC’s mistakes might cost Kenyans alot come August.

The politician has revealed that investigations are underway in Europe on IEBC , ballot papers printing and the trails of payment.

Matsanga alleged that IEBC is not a preparation for an election but it is preparation for of a commercial transaction.

David Matsanga statement

I have now pieced up all evidence and obtained the necessary international intelligence from all my contacts in Europe,London, Paris , Athens , Amsterdam about the Kenyan ballot papers printing saga and the corruption that accompanied it in Europe.

The former CEO of IEBC my good friend Oswango started like what Chebukati is doing now .He was very arrogant when told of mistakes .I used to meet him in my club DOLSHE and he would just laugh out loud and dance when he was warned about corruption.

He did not listen to me when I asked him to go slow on corruption and he ended up very badly in court sentenced .

Mr.Smith , family and company lost all their business and properties in London on top of that served they served 7 years in jail because of corruption surrounding the handling of ballot papers.

This is the same thing the IEBC Wafula Chebukati has done again in Europe. He smuggled in papers from Europe. ASK CHEBUKATI TO PUBLISH A CARGO MANIFEST!!!!.

I want to be on record like I was on record in 2008 about ICC and Ocampo .I want to say that Kenya needs need more prayers from God on this flawed Election.

To be honest this is not preparation of an election but it prepartion of a commercial business transaction disguised as an election road map Take it from me or leave it , it will be NULFIED by courts in Kenya .Keep my article .

Yesterday Chairperson Wafula Chebukati accepted that Elections could be suspended in areas where there are still disputes, then why can’t the Commission just suspended the entire process altogether since disputes range from Presidential vote ?

Kenyans i have observed elections in 52 countries since I was born . An Election is like a baking process, you miss out one ingredient and you end up with a totally different product. In this one of Kenya several ingredients are missing .The due process was not and has not been followed to the later.

So far, IEBC’s conduct and level of preparedness doesn’t exude nor motivate any credence nor credibility. Dissatisfaction, apprehension and suspicion has been raised over IEBC’s state of secrecy and blatant disregard of the Law.

It will be perilously irresponsible to allow IEBC to continue and expedite an illegality in the name of an election that could be nullified even by a Kangaroo Court.

I also pray to the same God Kenyans pray.I state here that Wafula Chebukati should lead his team to first put their house in order, any pending matter should be put to rest before even thinking of progressing forward from here .

A haphazardly conducted election will be a recipe for hue and cry, why all this haste to force things even when some lower Courts have already raised red flags on the part of the Commission’s conduct?

I told Oswango that the worst was to STEAL using a Muzungu because they are the first be arrested and charged .Wafula Chebukati should be answerable to the people of Kenya should he bungle this Election.

He should not be left to walk out scot-free like in 2017. He seems to have realized that he can break the Law, bungle an Election, cost Kenyans money running into billions, but yet sashay around unperturbed. Quite a dangerous, exorbitant and risky spot.

I respect President Uhuru Kenyatta and i will listen to what he says.But believe or not investigations in Europe about the Kenyan ballot papers have began and in weeks to come the wheel of justice will roll.

IEBC should learn from history and avert the mistakes of its predecessors the defunct ECK.

Take it or leave it Wafula Chebukati has thrown Kenyans under bus and they will wait much longer before the see a change of guards . 

The IEBC is brewing a storm that might suck the entire nation into an avalanche of violence, trepidation and anarchy.

This has to be avoided at all costs, it’s not good for a Country with a history of Post-Election violence to continue with such an election.

Take it or leave it I know at least for Wafula Chebukati and his 7 Commissioners, they can afford a ticket to flee the country should things go awry, like Roselyn Akombe did in 2017 and started shouting from New York . What about poor Kenyans? IEBC should not play ping-pong with the lives of Kenyans.


Also read,

How IEBC Commissioners were caught off guard over surprise arrival of ballot papers

Azimio writes to IEBC over employing a majority of election officials from one community

IEBC suspends five officials over electoral malpractice

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